Bipolar Disorder & Mood Disorders in Mesa, AZ

A mood disorder is a combination of high and low moods. Low moods include depressive symptoms. Patients may feel a decreased interest in activities they previously enjoyed, have sleep disturbances, fatigue, weight changes, concentration issues, and feelings of being worthless. What differentiates a mood disorder from depression are periods of mania. Manic periods can vary in intensity. Mild mania may look like inflated self-esteem, not sleeping much, very talkative, grandiose thinking, and participating in risky behaviors. With mild mania the symptoms may last for 4 or 5 days. The person may still be able to work and maintain daily life. More severe mania can have the same types of symptoms, but more intense. The symptoms will interfere with functioning and may even require hospitalization or psychosis.

What Are Some Examples of Manic Behaviors?

  • Someone who normally sleeps from 11 pm to 6 am suddenly stays up most of the night and does not feel tired the next day.
  • Taking on huge projects. For example, they start taking everything out of all the closets to rearrange things. They start cleaning out the garage in the middle of the night. They decide to write a book suddenly.
  • They become very talkative. This is beyond normal. Even someone who is shy and talks little will suddenly be talking to everyone about anything. It can be hard for the other person to get anything into a conversation.
  • Increased self-esteem. Suddenly someone thinks they are the best at things. They might see themselves as experts in something they really are not experienced in. They may think they know more than their teacher.
  • Increase in risky behavior. This can take on many forms. Someone could be rapidly spending money they can’t afford to spend. They may engage in risky sexual behavior. They may drive recklessly.
  • High distractibility. During a manic episode someone may have thoughts that seem to run in all different directions. Many thoughts or activities are started, but most are not finished.

What Are Some Diagnoses that are Considered Mood Disorders?

  • Bipolar I
  • Bipolar II
  • Cyclothymia

Have you experienced manic behaviors in the past or are currently experiencing common symptoms of bipolar disorder? Here at Thrive Psychiatry LLC in Mesa, AZ, we can help diagnose and manage your symptoms through individualized treatment plans. You can Contact Me for any questions about our services or Book an Appointment online!

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If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call: National Crisis: 988, Arizona Crisis: (844) 534-4673 or text 4HOPE (44673)

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