Anxiety and Depression in Mesa, AZ

What is Anxiety? What is Depression? Why Do Anxiety and Depression Often Go Together?

Though anxiety and depression have different symptoms, they often occur together. Picture a seesaw with anxiety on one end and depression on the other. Sometimes one side is a lot higher, sometimes you are hanging out in the middle feeling balanced.

Anxiety is a normal human emotion. It helps to keep us alert and aware of possible danger. It is a natural reaction to a stressful situation. Anxiety takes many forms. Some anxiety is short-term, stemming from an event. For others, anxiety is lifelong and greatly impacts a person’s ability to function on a daily basis.

There are multiple types of anxiety. Generalized anxiety disorder is persistent anxiety that impacts many facets of life. Social anxiety is marked by extreme stress that occurs when someone has to be around others. Panic attacks are physical reactions to stress that cause the heart rate to increase, sweating, flushing, and the desire to escape. Separation anxiety is a form of anxiety that may occur in children when they must leave a caregiver. Obsessive compulsive disorder is distinguished by a persistent need for order, perfectionism, and control.

On the other side of the seesaw, we have depression. Again, it is normal to sometimes feel down. That is a normal reaction to a stressor such as a relationship ending, the death of a loved one, or job frustration. Being down becomes a problem when it is not short-term, and it impacts daily functioning. Symptoms of depression include no longer being interested in activities, sleep issues, weight changes, fatigue, feeling worthless or guilty, and a decreased ability to concentrate.

Depression can occur in children, adolescents, and adults of all ages. For some, therapy is the primary treatment. For others, therapy is not enough, and medications are used for the maximum benefit. Fortunately, many medications improve both anxiety and depression. Medications or not, changing thought patterns and the way you react to situations takes effort and persistence.

At Thrive Psychiatry LLC in Mesa, AZ, I will help you learn to manage your anxiety and depression so that you can live your very best life. Contact Me today to learn more about how we can help or Book An Appointment online!

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If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call: National Crisis: 988, Arizona Crisis: (844) 534-4673 or text 4HOPE (44673)

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